Ecological resources in Huanjiang drive high-quality development
2023-08-24Huanjiang Maonan autonomous county, the third largest forestry county in Guangxi, has been making use of its ecological resources to support high-quality development.

Hechi's Dahua develops silk industry
2023-08-23In recent years, Dahua Yao autonomous county has been encouraging its farmers to utilize idle spaces such as yards, surroundings and fields to cultivate mulberry trees and raise silkworms.

Guiyang-Nanning High-Speed Railway triumphs over challenges
2023-08-23The contractors have tackled a raft of technical challenges to pave the way for the ongoing construction of the Guiyang-Nanning High-Speed Railway.

Hechi boosts transport projects in intl land-sea corridor
2023-08-22Hechi has seized the opportunities of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor construction and accelerated the development of its transport infrastructure.

Luocheng's 'fruit town' celebrates bountiful harvest
2023-08-22Luocheng Mulam autonomous county's Tianhe town is known as "fruit town" because of its year-round production of the crops.

Jinchengjiang's art wall becomes tourist magnet
2023-08-21In recent days, a tourism and culture wall near the Nancheng Department Store in in Jinchengjiang district of Hechi has become a popular hot spot for tourists.