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Hechi's transportation projects reach 19b yuan in investments

Hechi's transportation projects reach 19b yuan in investments


Between January and September, the city has invested 19.17 billion yuan ($2.62 billion) into its transportation projects.

Tian'e county selected as national agri-products safety county

Tian'e county selected as national agri-products safety county


Three counties in Guangxi were selected, including Tiane county in Hechi.

Hechi's TCM industry experiences rapid development

Hechi's TCM industry experiences rapid development


Hechi is currently being established as a national demonstration city for grassroots traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) work.

3 villages in Hechi become 2023 key villages for Guangxi rural tourism

3 villages in Hechi become 2023 key villages for Guangxi rural tourism


The list of key villages and towns for rural tourism in Guangxi in 2023 was recently announced.

Hechi innovates to inherit bronze drum culture

Hechi innovates to inherit bronze drum culture


Hechi has been exploring the protection and inheritance of bronze drum culture.

Hechi bronze drum cultural experience tour receives national recognition

Hechi bronze drum cultural experience tour receives national recognition


Among them, the "Hechi Bronze Drum Cultural Intangible Heritage Experience Tour" made the list.

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