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New highlights at 21st China-ASEAN Expo await visitors to explore


Updated: 2024-09-20

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The 21st China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) has showcased numerous highlights, including the introduction of several new exhibition areas and activities, reported by local media outlets on Sept 20.

From the 21st CAEXPO, an annual product selection event, is expected to be held, where experts will jointly select winners for the gold, silver, and outstanding design awards. An online voting section will be available during the virtual CAEXPO so the public can select the most popular award.

A group of young people passionate about China-ASEAN cooperation is expected to be selected, attending a roundtable with think tank experts, entrepreneurs, and business association leaders to engage in discussions, exchanges, and seminars.

This year's CAEXPO features a strategic emerging section for the first time, including new areas like the digital technology, ASEAN high-tech products, and ASEAN fashion boutique zones. In addition to the main exhibition area in Nanning, a tourism exhibition area will be set up for the first time in Guilin.

At this CAEXPO, six ASEAN countries, including Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, and Thailand, are about to have dedicated pavilions. The scale of ASEAN country exhibitions remains among the highest in the international exhibitions held domestically.


The Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center, venue for the 21st China-ASEAN Expo. [Photo/Guangxi Daily]