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Indonesian students attend Guangxi culture online camp


Updated: 2022-02-21

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The opening ceremony of the "Meet China, Feel Guangxi" Chinese Culture Camp on Feb 15 at Guilin Tourism University. [Photo/China News Service]

A total of 147 teachers and students from the Trisakti Institute of Tourism in Indonesia are attending the "Meet China, Feel Guangxi" Chinese Culture Camp that commenced on Feb 15 at Guilin Tourism University as part of the 2022 "Chinese Bridge" online group study camp program. 

The 10-day camp will feature recorded lessons and live streams to systematically and comprehensively teach trainees Mandarin, as well as traditional Chinese culture, such as the history of Chinese characters and Guangxi intangible cultural heritage items.

Zhang Xianchun of Guilin Tourism University expressed his hope that trainees can learn more about Chinese culture through the camp and help promote Chinese culture in the future.
