Anthropology Museum of Guangxi popular overseas (广西民族博物馆在海外受欢迎)


Updated: 2020-05-20

The Anthropology Museum of Guangxi entered the top 10 list of the Most Popular Museum in Europe and the top 10 list of the Most Popular Museum in Japan and South Korea, according to the National Museum (Exhibition) 2019 Overseas Influence Assessment Report issued by Art Exhibition China on May 18.

The museum ranked ninth in the ranking of "Most Popular Museum in Europe" and seventh in the ranking of "Most Popular Museum in Japan and South Korea," only behind such famous comprehensive cultural museums like the Palace Museum, the National Museum of China, and Shanghai Museum.

The museum has been actively promoting Guangxi's ethnic culture to foreign audiences.

In 2016, the "Southwest China Patchwork Exhibition," a collaboration between China and the United States, toured the US. As one of the cooperative pavilions, the Anthropology Museum of Guangxi showcased a set of excellent works and became popular among American audiences. The museum has also traveled to European countries to participate in cultural events to promote the unique ethnic culture to overseas audiences.

In addition, the museum has established cooperation mechanisms with Japan National Museum of Ethnology, the National Museum of Korea, and the National Daegu Museum for strengthening exchanges and communication.


A patchwork artist shows her skills to overseas visitors. [Photo/Nanguo Morning]




