Dahua crafts masterpiece in cultural tourism development
Integration: Delve deep into cultural tourism
Since 2024, Dahua has undertaken breakthrough actions to integrate culture and tourism, emphasizing the customs of the Zhuang and Yao people, red tourism education, culinary wellness, and other distinctive brands. These efforts have nurtured a rich cultural diversity set against the backdrop of Dahua's magnificent mountains and waters.
During this year's Guangxi Sanyuesan Festival, Dahua's Camping Festival attracted thousands of tourists, offering them a unique blend of Zhuang and Yao cultures, folk songs, culinary delights, red culture, and the beauty of the landscape. The county welcomed a total of 71,000 visitors during the festival, generating tourism revenue of 435 million yuan.
The ASEAN International Fishing Base. [Photo/Hechi Daily]
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