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Hechi tourism association leader reveals strategy to elevate Bama longevity brand
Updated: 2024-01-26

Luo Liyan, a deputy to the 14th Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Regional People's Congress and vice president of the Bama Tourism Industry Association, was recently invited to an online program to share plans with netizens concerning how to boost Bama's longevity brand's fame.

"Recently, the friendly interaction between Guangxi residents (who were nicknamed Little Clementines due to Guangxi's abundance of clementines) and people from Northeast China (who got the nickname Little Frozen Pears because of their insatiable appetite for frozen pears) has led to increased economic development and cultural exchanges," said Luo.

Hechi has strengthened tourism integration, gathered the best resources in Donglan, Bama, and Fengshan, and promoted mutual tourism product recommendations. It also introduced a high-speed rail line and seven major high-speed rail tourism routes to lure and serve more tourists, Luo added.

At the same time, Hechi is also improving public service facilities around the high-speed rail to enhance the travel experience, building a variety of tourist attractions with greater attractiveness and influence, and improving tourism services, according to Luo.

During the two sessions of the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, Guangxi Daily and Guangxi Cloud launched a special online interactive program to invite netizens to offer their advice on Guangxi's high-quality development.

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