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Hechi farmers raising cattle to improve their incomes

China Daily
Updated: 2020-09-30

Cattle raising has increased incomes for residents in Shengli, a village in Dahua Yao autonomous county, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, after drinking water and transportation were improved in the area.

Located deep in the mountains with poor access to roads, the village has about 6,100 people, about 93 percent of who were living below the poverty line at the end of 2017, according to Wang Hui, the village Party secretary.

After years of efforts improving basic living conditions for villagers and introducing industries to the village, the percentage of people below the poverty line dropped to 36 percent this year, though it is still one of the poorest villages in Guangxi, Wang said.

"With limited arable land due to the stony desertification in mountains and scarce water resources, it's like growing food in the crack of a rock," said villager Meng Jianxiang.

With the targeted poverty alleviation efforts, local authorities built about 2,300 kilometers of roads in remote areas in the county over the past five years to link all the villages, according to the county authority.

The improvement of infrastructure is necessary for the development of industries, which can help poor villagers escape poverty, said Wang, the Party secretary.

At the end of 2018, the village used poverty alleviation funds to build a cattle farm and sent poor villagers to learn livestock skills.

Last year, 120 cattle were raised in the village with the participation of 99 poor families.

"Villagers used to raise cattle that took three years to sell. A cow could only grow to 200 kilograms and had low market value. Now the cattle they raise can grow to 500 kilograms in about 10 months," Wang said.

Meng, the villager, said,"The local government gave us a lot of support for cattle breeding. Last year, the village arranged for me to receive training for free in the county twice, and I have gained a lot."

"Since the road to the village was built, it's easier for us to sell the cattle. The beef has sold for a good price in recent years. I am optimistic about the business," he said.

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